Zatonięcie statku pasażerskiego Costa Concordia


Solidarność w modlitwie
Duszpasterstwo Ludzi Morza w Polsce trwa w duchowej łączności z księdzem Giacomo Martino oraz pracownikami i wolontariuszami Apostolatus Maris we Włoszech oraz wszystkimi kapelanami pracującymi na statkach Costa Crociere.
Niewątpliwie takie sytuacje są znaczącym wyzwaniem dla Apostolatus Maris.
Modlimy się aby nasza posługa pomagała marynarzom i pasażerom na statkach w trudnych sytuacjach, które ich spotykają. Modlimy się o wieczny pokój dla zmarłych, wsparcie dla bliskich osób zaginionych i zdrowie dla poszkodowanych w wypadku statku Costa Concordia.
Łącząc się w modlitwie,
o. Edward Pracz
Krajowy Duszpasterz Ludzi Morza

Poniżej zamieszczamy oświadczenie Apostolatus Maris we Włoszech dotyczące zatonięcia statku Costa Concordia u wybrzeży wyspy Giglio.


Statement of Apostleship of the Sea (AOS) – Italy

on the sinking of Costa Concordia

A week after the tragedy of the Costa Concordia, the Apostleship of the Sea (AOS) – Italy, which for many years has being providing chaplains on board several ships of Costa Crociere, offering assistance to over 14,000 crew members, still experiences a feeling of pain for the victims and apprehension for the missing, but also great appreciation for the crew members who have fulfilled their duties with a sense of responsibility and dedication.

The Apostleshipof the Sea was involved firsthand in this tragedy through Don Raffaele Malena, the chaplain on board the Costa Concordia, who devoted himself to save lives and offer words of comfort and support during those dramatic moments.

On January 14, the day after the sinking, an AOS team made ​​up of volunteers from the Stella Maris in Genoa, went to Savona, where they met about 1,500 people, including passengers and crew members, providing comfort, psychological support and answering to their immediate needs.

In the following days, January 15 to 17, the AOS team visited hospitals and hotels in Grosseto, Orbetello and Siena where, meanwhile, other crew members were hospitalized or housed.

At the same time, in Rome and Civitavecchia another AOS team offered assistance to a large group of crew members from Latin American, in need of psychological support and material things (clothing, medicines, shoes, etc.) having lost all they had in the disaster.

         Meanwhile, thechaplains on board of other Costa vessels sailing in various parts of the world, have once again confirmed the importance of their delicate and precious work of support offering comfort to the crew members who were also affected by this tragedy because they have worked and known many of the crew of the Costa Concordia.


         As of today, almost all the crew members were repatriated to their countries of origin. Although in a few days the media will fall silent on this matter, there are wounds, traumas and psychological consequences that will take a long time before they will be healed.


        The Apostleshipof the Sea, taking advantage of its worldwide network of chaplains and centers, will continue to offer its material and spiritual support to all the crew members and their families wherever they are.

For more information contact:


Don Giacomo Martino

Piazza Dinegro 6/A 16126 Genova

Tel. 0108938374 Fax 0108932456

